The Garden of Diogenes

Róbert HÁSZ

The narrator of this novel (clearly autobiographical) abandons his country ripped apart by civil war and goes to the neighboring country. However, the uprooted feeling creates a heavy atmosphere around him. He lives from hand to mouth and takes refuge in the wait and inactivity.

He is torn between two worlds : the real one, incarnated by two strange individuals, Zénon and Simon, who try to pry him away from his lethargy; and a spiritual one into which a bum named Diogenes pushes him to enter. The narrator hesitates, but when he realizes that he is no longer able to integrate into society, that his marriage is a failure, he joins Diogenes, his car cemetery and his strange stories.

« What interests me, he says, is man himself and his role in History; in other words: man, slave to the materialist world, in antiquity as in the present, and his connection with the transcendental world; that’s what truly interests me. », Robert Hász

About the author

Robert Hász (ENG)
Róbert Hász was born on 1 November 1964 in Doroslovo, Vojvodina, in the (...)

Other books by the same author

Le Prince et le moine

The Prince and the Monk

Robert Hász (ENG)

Paru le 10-09-2007
La Forteresse

The Fortress

Robert Hász (ENG)

Paru le 13-09-2002

Other Foreign right books

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I am 7


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The Burned Lands


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L'Étoile du temple

The Star of the Temple




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