Pirouettes in the Darkness

François VALLEJO

Paul, alias Gibbon, is a young man who looks like a monkey - his arms are so long ! His life is made of sorrow and of unluckiness. Being an orphan, he is taken in by a psychiatrist who teaches him life’s basics as well as he can. Without any qualifications, Gibbon becomes a removal man, finds balance, and then love. But his mental instability - or his weirdness - makes him sink once again into a world of trafficking and dishonesty. This story resembles an infernal spiral into the abyss of madness.

Is it sad ? No, for the author serves us an insanely funny desperation.

Press reviews


« In this novel, Death is a burlesque guest that shows in every corner. »

Le Magazine littéraire

« A real delight, with a touch of erudition, of humor, relying on the single clever device of the unforeseen, the unexpected. Here is a gift far from ordinary. »

About the author

François Vallejo (ENG)
Francois Vallejo knows more and more where he comes from and seeks (...)

Other books by the same author

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Hotel Waldheim

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Un dangereux plaisir

A Dangerous pleasure

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Paru le 25-08-2016
Fleur et Sang

Blossom and Blood

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 09-07-2014


François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 20-07-2012
Les Sœurs brelan

The Brelan sisters

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 26-08-2010
L'Incendie du Chiado

The Burning of the Chiado

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 15-08-2008


François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 04-05-2007


François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 25-08-2006
Le Voyage des grands hommes

Travels of the great men

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 13-01-2005


François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 05-09-2003
Madame Angeloso

Madam Angeloso

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 24-08-2001
Vacarme dans la salle de bal

Ruckus in the Ballroom

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 26-08-1998

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